Statistical Analayzer is a mobile calculator app that helps students as well as teachers in solving complex statistical and probability problems.

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Solution to complex statistical & probability problems!

Our app is available on android mobile device! Download now to get started!

Calculate Faster, Learn Faster

We aim to make statistics and probabilty calculation as easy as using a mobile phone!

Grouped and UnGrouped Data Calcuations

Analyse grouped and un grouped data. Calculate Mean, mode, medain and other important calculations.

Convert Un Grouped Data to Grouped Data

Enter dta in ungrouped form and get it arranged in form of classes with calculations like mean, median, mode, etc.

Probabily Distrbution (Ranged and Un Ranged)

Enter data and get distributions. You can also calculate using gretaer than or less than on random variable.

Regression & CoRelation

Find coefficient of correlation, equation of line,error slope value,significance test value,etc.

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